Tuesday, December 22, 2009

305/365 - its written all over my face.

i love high key.

so today i had my first production meeting for the show im designing. it went well. i got my first look at the basic set design, and discussed concepts a bit. my plot should be done in about two weeks, after that is hell week x 2 because ill also be teching my first show at Georgia Ensemble Theatre. its gonna be a long, tiring week of prolly very quick 365s that dont get processed much... so enjoy the photoshopping while it lasts.

once you go white you never go back.... aite?

365 - 8.6.09

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

299/365 - staind by coffee, tea, and wine.

i had a blast doing this one. i used this really fantastic tutorial. im def going to be using this one again for some fun concert poster designs.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

295/365 - bad llama.

295/365 - bad llama., originally uploaded by B Rosen.

this guy wasnt shy when i entered the enclosure. he wanted to see what's up... and if you never have come face to face with a llama before... it can be a little creepy.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

283/365 - expecto patronum!

283/365 - expecto patronum!, originally uploaded by B Rosen.

i love harry potter.

i was totally anti-potter when i started college, and it wasnt until the 4th book was just about to come out that my roommate at the time forced me to read the first one. i finished it in about 3 hours and immediately got in my car and bought the the 2 and 3, read them within the week, and greedily anticipated each book as they were released.

for those who havent read them. im sure you've heard it before, but ill also urge you to read them... they are so fun and entertaining... and its so easy to get into the story.

Harry Potter fun fact: expecto patronum is Latin for "i await a protector"

365 - 7.15.09