Wednesday, January 28, 2009

110/365 - work work work.

110/365 - work work work., originally uploaded by B Rosen.


for those that dont know, im a lighting designer by trade. if you ever have gone to a theatre to see a show, or a concert, etc, i am the person responsible for all the lighting. That entails designing what types of lights get used, where they get aimed, what color gets put into them, and then writing cues to determine when they come on and off, at what intensity, etc.

Any Lighting Designer is inevitably also a stage electrician when he or she isnt designing. so this is me at work tonight running the lightboard for the current show at the theatre i work at in Atlanta. to give my job a little more emphasis (ha! i just made a tech theatre joke that none of you will get...) im posting this SOOC so you get a sense of the actual color used in my field.

id be super psyched if you cared to take a look at some pics of shows i have designed in the past, both theatre and concerts.

365 - 1.23.09

Thursday, January 22, 2009

107/365 - Change

107/365 - Change, originally uploaded by B Rosen.

President Barack Obama. has a nice ring to it. i'm looking forward to an era of change and growth for america.

104/365 - Villian

104/365 - Villian, originally uploaded by B Rosen.

boo. this turned out much differently than i intended when i began, but i really love the way it came out. the answer is no. i did not actually cut myself, its all the magic of photoshop. By all means, take a look at the before and after shot to see where it all began.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

100/365 - hundred!

100/365 - hundred!, originally uploaded by B Rosen.

i hit 100 SPs. which is pretty cool, i didnt think i would make it this far.... and it makes me believe that ill get all the way thru this project, which im having tons of fun with.

97/365 - i should have known better.

Friday, January 02, 2009

89/365 - two-thousand nine.

89/365 - two-thousand nine., originally uploaded by B Rosen.

Happy New Year!!

80/365 - 'tis the season.

80/365 - 'tis the season., originally uploaded by B Rosen.

a little late i know, but i couldnt let this not get blogged. its my favorite shot of late. its SOOC (thats Straight Out Of Camera to all you non photogs) which means theres no photoshop manipulation here.